Spiritual & Relationship Counselor

Illana Berger, PhD

Most days, you will find me walking along the bluffs in Santa Cruz, California, communing with the ocean, the wind, the people walking by, the sea gulls circling above the waters, the seals and otters playing in the waves, or watching the surfers navigate the ocean currents. 

It is here that I find my center and my joy. It is here that I remember for myself and for you that life is filled with movement. Nothing is static. The question for each of us is: how do we move with the changes, challenges, currents and obstacles in our lives and in our relationships? One must be mindful, present, aware, and conscious to catch the moment and experience the opportunity it provides. 

Loving begins at this moment. Love of ourselves, love for our partner, lover, or spouse, love for our children, love for our Earth, and love for the journey we are gifted with each and every day 

Together, we can meet what is here and now and traverse the landscape of your life so that the adventure is met with honesty, authenticity, and vulnerability. These three virtues are what turn our lives into powerful and beautiful adventures.

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